Vision 宗旨與願景

The surface treatments technologies we provided are bio-functional with best consistent quality for medical devices manufacturers.

ECO established itself as the key member in the industrial food chain of medical devices. Our technologies improve the quality and increase the value of medical products for our clients.

As the result of the higher quality of medical products, it will help our clients gaining their international market share.


公司定位在整體醫材產業供應鏈中扮演關鍵角色,幫助客戶提升醫材產品的品質與價值,打入國際市場,共同 創造雙贏的經營規模。

History 公司沿革

2011/11 於高雄市成立
2012/12 開發出鈦陽極發色技術、鈦電拋光技術
2013/01 核准進駐屏東農業生物技術園區
2013/09 獲得屏東縣政府 SBIR 補助計劃
2014/05 屏東農科園區新廠房興建與生產設備建置完成
2014/07 通過 ISO13485 & ISO9001 品質系統認證
2015/11 通過衛福部 GMP 優良醫療器材製造廠認證

Core Value 核心價值

「Integrity, Quality」are our core values.
To fulfill these goals, we...

Pass and get ISO13485 certificate
Get MOHW pharmacist manufacturing license
Pass ISO10993 bio-compatibility test
Pass the cleanness validation by TAF Lab testing


通過並取得 ISO13485 品質系統認證
通過 ISO 10993 生物相容性試驗

Certificate 認證

ISO 13485 證書